
2008年10月31日—Setyourquantizeparameterasdesired.Allnewlyrecordedregionswillautomaticallygetthatquantizevalueappliedtothem.Quote ...,2013年8月3日—I'mtryingtorecord16thnotetriplets,andthenotesshowupastripletsinthepianorollwhileI'mrecording,butthenareautomatically ...,2020年2月14日—Heyall,I'mhavingaproblemwherelogicisautomaticallyquantizingmymidiperformances.Like,3gracenoteswillbesnappedsotheyal...

Automatically quantizing a performance while recording?

2008年10月31日 — Set your quantize parameter as desired. All newly recorded regions will automatically get that quantize value applied to them. Quote ...

Can't turn off auto quantizing

2013年8月3日 — I'm trying to record 16th note triplets, and the notes show up as triplets in the piano roll while I'm recording, but then are automatically ...

Logic is auto-quantizing midi performances?!

2020年2月14日 — Hey all, I'm having a problem where logic is automatically quantizing my midi performances. Like, 3 grace notes will be snapped so they all ...

Logic Pro

2022年6月29日 — Set Quantize in the event inspector to Off. Selecting a Quantize value when no regions are selected will auto quantize subsequent recordings ...

Quantize audio regions or cells in Logic Pro for iPad

In Logic Pro for iPad, quantize audio regions in the Tracks area or the Audio Editor to adjust them to a time grid.

Quantizing in Logic Pro X

2023年5月23日 — How Do You Auto Quantize in Logic Pro X? · Click on an unused section within the Arrange window · This will reveal the MIDI Defaults menu · In ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
